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Use the best 3 apps, everyone will look at your phone !

Nowadays, there are thousands of amazing apps being created for the use of smartphones in the hands of every day, boys and old.
Sadly, most people use their Smartphone Clash of Clans type games without the use of cell phones in the busiest places. What ever came to your head? Come on, let's find out today about five awesome apps!
These apps have changed my life, I can bet that wonderful things can happen in your life too by using these apps!
১. Cyberlink Powerdirector
Smartphone is a very good thing, the thing has got into the hands of people because of the low price, and it is no longer an easy task to do video with.
Click here to learn in the video tutorial
Smartphones are now in the hands of millions of people in Bangladesh, and when they start to create something creative with it, I am very happy about how big a revolution will happen! Not only do video, it requires beautiful editing. All the advanced software on the computer for video editing, editing on a smartphone has not yet come to its notice. After finding out that grief has completely vanished!
Many video editing tasks can be done very well in this app. Once we went to a competition and saw other contestants, including DSLR, Trolley, Boomstick, got down to shooting, all the editors using very high-end editors. The funny thing is the results of the competition and how we have left the contestants behind, the judges loved our work! Discovering the fact that something is possible to create something nice in a cellphone can not hold our joy! You too can start today with a handful of short film, drama or documentary work; When there is a Cyberlink Powerdirector, who will stop you?

Many of us have had the experience of painting in Microsoft Paint on Sketch computers. Moving the mouse is difficult, bent over and over again, so most of the paintings have been painted without dragging long spots! It's easy to take a fingerprint on a smartphone, and there are a lot of great apps for doing it. There are also apps for professional designers to work on, they are very complex, so I will not talk about them.
The app called Sketch is very simple and I like it very much. Here are just about all of Microsoft Paint's options, along with some more fun tools. This app is fast enough to draw a cartoon, the little nephew in front of my eyes pulls out all the cartoons, and I started painting it. These are some patterns of our drawing talent!
Although sketched under the name but originally made for drawing cartoons, there are also many great apps for those of you who really want to sketch or design, you will be surprised to find a little in the Play Store. So many arrangements for drawing only! No matter how fun the pictures are, no small guest in our house actually forgot to draw a picture in his hand on my smartphone!
The story of a film cannot be conveyed in a thousand words, so we all need to be in the habit of drawing a picture. What if there is no color system, you can pull off all the wonderful pictures in your hand, but why wait?
Get out of your own fall!

৩. Walk Band

There is no doubt that the name Walk Band is interesting; The app has a special reputation for making music. Once I needed to create some tunes in one task, I found this app by scraping it, downloading it and opening it in my mouth! Inside an app together with piano, guitar, drum kit, drum machine, base, multi-track synthesizer, and hulking business together!
Making music is not easy, it requires a lot of hard work and creativity, these things were never in my mind so I could not move very far, but sometimes it takes a lot of melodious melodies to make the chest swell!
Not everyone is as stupid as me, I know a man who is making a lot of music by using this app on his daily commute time, his desire to be a great musician, he has gone a long way in that dream using this app!
Download Now Walk Band Apk (30MB Drive Link) You
can watch this video to get a little idea about how powerful this app is, how it can create amazing tunes:

৪. Office Suite

University always has to create many slides, generate reports, create Excel sheets. I'm an asthma beast, no skill at all. When you type a report, you break the keyboard! My Impossible Luck I have some wonderful friends, who have often kindly rescued me from the dangers many times by doing my tasks, my eternal gratitude to them but that is another context. Not everyone is always supported and it is certainly not a matter of hope! I have to submit a report tomorrow and I have no laptop computer. In one app, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint can work together - discovering the fact that I was dead!

If I had not had this app that day, it would have been a huge problem for me, not just that day and many more times this app has come to my disadvantage with many problems. It's like you're reading this text but typing in the full Office Suit! A little app, you have seen how far its power is!

৫. Draw Cartoons 2

I have always been very interested in making cartoons, drawing wonderful cartoons with the Sketch app but cannot create animations. So I was overwhelmed by the discovery of the Draw Cartoons 2 app. Can't believe how easily animations can be created with this app! Making animation like this is inhuman work, I have a good friend who works on animation, he made a three minute cartoon show that day, the thing is so beautiful that it can't be ignored but it took about three months to create this little cartoon! With the Draw Cartoons 2 app, animation can be easily done, with minor limitations it is not that big.

You've always seen the cartoon on TV, now you can make your own cartoon using a pocket mobile at home, thinking about the fact that I couldn't sleep!
Watch a short sample of animation making using Draw Cartoons 2 in the video:
Creative apps around the world are constantly revolutionizing art and literature using the apps we talk about here. Right now, you are reading this article right now, somewhere on the edge of the world, someone is making a short film, someone is writing a wonderful novel, an artist is taking pictures and the whole thing is happening in a cellphone, using these apps!
Now is the time to start nurturing your creative talents, start something today who knows what can happen in an instant, you will be amazed at your talent! But why wait any longer?